Ozerov Alexander Aleksandrovich (Russia) - in 1980 Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the Volgograd Polytechnic Institute. From 1980 to 1983. studied at the postgraduate school at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the same institute. Hedefended his thesis on the specialty "organic chemistry" in 1984 and in 1989. was transferred to the Volgograd Medical Institute, where until 1993. worked at the Department of Chemistry as a senior lecturer and associate professor. in 1993. transferred to the position ofDeputy Director of the Research Institute of Pharmacology at the Volgograd Medical Institute. In 1994. Defended his doctoral thesis in two specialties. in 2002. became the head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of VolgSMU. He is the head of the laboratory ofantiviral drugs of the Research Institute of Pharmacology of VolgSMU, the laboratory of medicinal chemistry. In 2005. He was awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation "For Merits in the Field of Healthcare and Conscientious Ores", in 2009 - the Certificate of Honor of the Head of the Administration of the Volgograd Region "For the successes achieved in research and educational activities". He was awarded the Honorary Badge of VolgSMU of the I degree in 2013.