Honorary Professors

Sedova Natalia Nikolaevna

2023-09-03 18:56 Honorary Professors
Sedova Natalia Nikolaevna (Russia) - in 1971 has been graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Moscow State University, named after M.V. Lomonosov. Since 1971, he has been working at VolgSMU (Department of Marxism and Leninism). In 1976, she became a candidate for the philosophical sciences. From 1984 to 2022, she was the head of the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics, and Law with a course in sociology of medicine at VolgSMU. In 1991, she defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. In 2005, she defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Legal Sciences. Since September 2022, she has been head of the Higher School of Medical Humanities of the Institute of Public Health at VolgSMU. Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law with a course of sociology of medicine of VolgSMU. Member of the Academic Council of VolgSMU Head of the dissertation commission. Member of the Council on Ethics of Clinical Trials of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation